
Susan Elizabeth Lee

“Suzanne’s approach to business and working with professionals is dynamic. She has the exceptional ability to listen beyond the words, to scan the entire picture, mentally scoping it out, then narrows in and lays out a strategy. She’s worth every penny and far more!”


Lizette Sundvick

“As a solo-practice attorney, I worked closely with Suzanne for 12 months to significantly increase my income. She helped me with business development, client testimonials, new revenue streams, branding, systems, and more. In a personal coaching capacity she taught me the mindset that continues to have a positive impact on both my professional and personal life.”


Felicia Sheely

“Working with Suzanne has been absolutely life-changing! She took me from zero to quickly having a brand and becoming known as a thought-leader in my niche. I have traction on my selected social media platforms, as well as a strategy for income growth. Suzanne pulled me out of a mindset spiral that was killing my business dreams; she literally brought me back to life."


Tanya Stewart

“Suzanne helped me look beyond the surface in order to stop making the same mistakes, and to trust the process as I transitioned from corporate to starting my business. She opened my mind to go beyond limited thinking for creative avenues and strategic planning. I've worked with other coaches but Suzanne hands down stands above the rest with her honesty and deep caring for her clients.”


Jan Bradley

“As a retired teacher, in my wildest dreams I never thought I would write and publish a book, create a program to help people with their health, do a photo shoot, have a logo, and so much more in just 90 days! Suzanne is simply amazing to work with."


Jeff Davis

"I'm so impressed by Suzanne that I dedicated a chapter about her in my book, "The Power of Authentic Leadership." I've used her principles to experience mountaintop moments and I can tell you that her gems of insight really work! Suzanne's practical wisdom is so much more than strategy - it's revolutionary to your business and your life."


Jaclynn Turner

"I kept waiting for a raise but it wasn’t happening; why would it when I was willing to do the extra work without the extra pay. Suzanne helped me develop the mindset, strategy, approach, and confidence to present my request for a promotion. As a result, I received a significant 5-figure raise AND role promotion. My only regret is that I didn’t work with Suzanne sooner to go after what I deserved.”


Kim Brooks

“There are few people who TRULY know what it takes to be successful in business, and who can provide actionable steps to achieving that success. Suzanne is a one-of-a-kind strategist whose consulting and mentorship has been invaluable to me in both my business and personal advancement.”


Blakele Bergman

“During our first few months of working together I experienced a major improvement in REVENUE GROWTH and productivity! Suzanne knows how to make positive changes fast. She listens, genuinely cares, and created strategies that work for MY business. She also helped me realize where my true potential lies, and what my business needs are in order to thrive.”


Elaine Alpert

“I was about to launch my new website, followed by the launch of a new program. Fear showed up when I faced letting go of the women in my ‘comfort zone market’ and began to consider upscaling my clients. Suzanne entered my life to work on my mindset, analyze my offerings, and guide me with her amazing experience. I’m so grateful!”

Sean Patrick

"Suzanne provides great insights into how to frame your mindset about opening doors to opportunities, and how to effectively strategize from the perspective of others you want to engage with. I've also learned to be more open-minded and resourceful about how to reach key players for my business goals, and what the path to those people could look like."


Heather Truhan

“Suzanne’s enthusiasm and expertise are so engaging that you’ll find yourself jumping up and down to exceed goals you hadn’t even set yet! I loved working with her; she has a wealth of knowledge to share. Have no doubt that Suzanne can help transform small business into BIG business in the blink of an eye!”


Kristina Rochester

"Because of my work with Suzanne I was well prepared to position myself for the advancement I experienced in my legal career. My greatest results came from the mindset work. Furthermore, she taught me strategies for new business development (which isn't taught in law school). Suzanne’s making a difference and I’ve enjoyed working with her!”


Hailey Paige

"Suzanne demonstrates incremental steps centered on creative thinking with actionable strategies. This is perfect when looking to open doors and accomplish big things within a short period of time."


Sarah Jane Cion

“Suzanne is one of the most dedicated and talented people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. She is warm, brilliant, caring, and brimming with enthusiasm and creativity! If you have the great pleasure of working with her, you will certainly be touched by one of the most incredibly heart-filled souls and will come away a better person in so many ways!”

Office: (813) 414-5905

Tampa, FL

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Orrana Group - SuzanneDuret.com